As part of its ongoing efforts to promote sustainable practices across Europe, the InvestCEC project, has just released the guide Circular Economy Solution Areas for Urban and Regional Settings, developed by CARTIF.
The primary objective of this guide is to provide municipal and regional bodies with a comprehensive overview of circular economy solutions tailored to urban and regional environments. It offers insights into the key elements of the circular economy concept and its wide range of applications, aiming to support the transition towards more sustainable, resource-efficient communities.
The guide highlights several critical areas of circular economy solutions, including circular waste management, sustainable mobility, and circular construction. It also showcases real-world success stories from cities that have successfully implemented these strategies, such as the Vienna waste management system or urban agriculture in Paris.
By illustrating practical examples, the guide encourages the adoption of circular economy principles, helping cities reduce greenhouse gas emissions, optimize resource use, and foster environmental and economic sustainability.
Read our guide here: Circular Economy Solution Areas for Urban and Regional Settings