The InvestCEC project is developing and demonstrating a replicable model for initiating and implementing circular economy projects. Within this framework, project partners are designing a practical process to select solution providers who can deliver circular economy services tailored to specific needs of cities and regions across Europe. Our selection process prioritises the interests of all relevant stakeholders – city and regional authorities, entrepreneurs, investors and citizens – ensuring a collaborative and comprehensive approach.
First stage: needs assessment
In the initial stage, cities and regions describe their unique needs, screen for potential solutions, and make an initial assessment of the costs required for a successful implementation. This phase allows local authorities to prioritise sectors or industries targeted for circular transformation.
Second stage: selection process
The second stage focuses on selecting solution providers capable of delivering innovative circular economy initiatives tailored to specific cities and regions. The selection criteria will be based on several aspects, including fit-for-purpose solutions, proven success, robust business models and their capacity for implementation.
To enable replication of these two stages in other local and regional settings, InvestCEC is testing two templates: one for the description of the city/region’s vision regarding circularity and objectives related to this effort, and another for entrepreneurs to present their solutions to cities and regions.
This methodology will facilitate matchmaking between solution providers and interested authorities. Authorities can establish targets aligned with their circular vision, thereby attracting entrepreneurs that contribute effectively to their goals. At the same time, entrepreneurs can showcase their strengths and innovative approaches for the circular economy to interested regions and cities.
The implementation of the methodology will require flexibility and ongoing stakeholder engagement to adapt to political and financial realities of each city.
The templates are accessible at the following links:
- Template for entrepreneurs
- Template for local and regional authorities